Example 5.3 oc wc model noisy
Optimal control of the noisy Wilson-Cowan odel
This notebook shows how to compute the optimal control (OC) signal for the noisy WC model for a simple example task.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
while os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-1] != "neurolib":
# We import the model, stimuli, and the optimal control package
from neurolib.models.wc import WCModel
from neurolib.utils.stimulus import ZeroInput
from neurolib.control.optimal_control import oc_wc
from neurolib.utils.plot_oc import plot_oc_singlenode, plot_oc_network
# This will reload all imports as soon as the code changes
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
We stimulate the system with a known control signal, define the resulting activity as target, and compute the optimal control for this target. We define weights such that precision is penalized only (w_p=1, w_2=0). Hence, the optimal control signal should converge to the input signal.
# We import the model
model = WCModel()
# Set noise strength to zero to define target state
model.params.sigma_ou = 0.
# Some parameters to define stimulation signals
dt = model.params["dt"]
duration = 40.
amplitude = 1.
period = duration / 4.
# We define a "zero-input", and a sine-input
zero_input = ZeroInput().generate_input(duration=duration+dt, dt=dt)
input = np.copy(zero_input)
input[0,1:-1] = amplitude * np.sin(2.*np.pi*np.arange(0,duration-0.1, dt)/period) # other functions or random values can be used as well
# We set the duration of the simulation and the initial values
model.params["duration"] = duration
x_init = 0.011225367461896877
y_init = 0.013126741089502588
model.params["exc_init"] = np.array([[x_init]])
model.params["inh_init"] = np.array([[y_init]])
# We set the stimulus in x and y variables, and run the simulation
model.params["exc_ext"] = input
model.params["inh_ext"] = zero_input
# Define the result of the stimulation as target
target = np.concatenate((np.concatenate( (model.params["exc_init"], model.params["inh_init"]), axis=1)[:,:, np.newaxis],
np.stack( (model.exc, model.inh), axis=1)), axis=2)
target_input = np.concatenate( (input,zero_input), axis=0)[np.newaxis,:,:]
# Remove stimuli and re-run the simulation
# Change sigma_ou_parameter to adjust the noise strength
model.params['sigma_ou'] = 0.1
model.params['tau_ou'] = 1.
model.params["exc_ext"] = zero_input
model.params["inh_ext"] = zero_input
control = np.concatenate( (zero_input,zero_input), axis=0)[np.newaxis,:,:]
# combine initial value and simulation result to one array
state = np.concatenate((np.concatenate( (model.params["exc_init"], model.params["inh_init"]), axis=1)[:,:, np.newaxis],
np.stack( (model.exc, model.inh), axis=1)), axis=2)
plot_oc_singlenode(duration, dt, state, target, control, target_input)
The target is a periodic oscillation of x and y variable (computed in deterministic, noise-free system).
The noisy, undistrubed system fluctuates around zero.
For the optimization, you can now set several new parameters: - M: the number of noise realizations that the algorithm averages over. Default=1 - M_validation: the number of noise realization the final cost is computed from. Default=1000 - validate_per_step: If True, the cost for each step is computed averaging over M_validation instead of M realizations, this takes much longer. Default=False - method: determines, how the noise averages are computed. Results may vary for different methods depending on the specific task. Choose from ['3']. Default='3'
Please note: - higher number of iterations does not promise better results for computations in noisy systems. The cost will level off at some iteration number, and start increasing again afterwards. Make sure not to perform too many iterations. - M, M_validation should increase with sigma_ou model parameter - validate_per_step does not impact the control result
Let's first optimize with the following parameters: M=20, iterations=100
# We set the external stimulation to zero. This is the "initial guess" for the OC algorithm
model.params["exc_ext"] = zero_input
model.params["inh_ext"] = zero_input
# We load the optimal control class
# print array (optional parameter) defines, for which iterations intermediate results will be printed
# Parameters will be taken from the input model
model_controlled = oc_wc.OcWc(model, target, print_array=np.arange(0,101,10),
M=20, M_validation=500, validate_per_step=True)
# We run 100 iterations of the optimal control gradient descent algorithm
state = model_controlled.get_xs()
control = model_controlled.control
plot_oc_singlenode(duration, dt, state, target, control, target_input, model_controlled.cost_history)
Let's do the same thing with different parameters: M=100, iterations=30
# We set the external stimulation to zero. This is the "initial guess" for the OC algorithm
model.params["exc_ext"] = zero_input
model.params["inh_ext"] = zero_input
# We load the optimal control class
# print array (optional parameter) defines, for which iterations intermediate results will be printed
# Parameters will be taken from the input model
model_controlled = oc_wc.OcWc(model, target,print_array=np.arange(0,31,5),
M=100, M_validation=500, validate_per_step=True)
# We run 30 iterations of the optimal control gradient descent algorithm
state = model_controlled.get_xs()
control = model_controlled.control
plot_oc_singlenode(duration, dt, state, target, control, target_input, model_controlled.cost_history)
Network case
Let us know study a simple 2-node network of model oscillators. We first need to define the coupling matrix and the delay matrix. We can then initialize the model.
cmat = np.array( [[0., 0.5], [1.0, 0.]] ) # diagonal elements are zero, connection strength is 1 (0.5) from node 0 to node 1 (from node 1 to node 0)
dmat = np.array( [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]] ) # no delay
model = WCModel(Cmat=cmat, Dmat=dmat)
# we define the control input matrix to enable or disable certain channels and nodes
control_mat = np.zeros( (model.params.N, len(model.state_vars)) )
control_mat[0,0] = 1. # only allow inputs in x-channel in node 0
model.params.K_gl = 10.
# Set noise strength to zero to define target state
model.params['sigma_ou'] = 0.
model.params["duration"] = duration
zero_input = ZeroInput().generate_input(duration=duration+dt, dt=dt)
input = np.copy(zero_input)
input[0,1:-1] = amplitude * np.sin(2.*np.pi*np.arange(0,duration-0.1, dt)/period) # other functions or random values can be used as well
model.params["exc_init"] = np.vstack( [0.01255381969006173, 0.01190300495001282] )
model.params["inh_init"] = np.vstack( [0.013492631513639169, 0.013312224583806076] )
# We set the stimulus in x and y variables, and run the simulation
input_nw = np.concatenate( (np.vstack( [control_mat[0,0] * input, control_mat[0,1] * input] )[np.newaxis,:,:],
np.vstack( [control_mat[1,0] * input, control_mat[1,1] * input] )[np.newaxis,:,:]), axis=0)
zero_input_nw = np.concatenate( (np.vstack( [zero_input, zero_input] )[np.newaxis,:,:],
np.vstack( [zero_input, zero_input] )[np.newaxis,:,:]), axis=0)
model.params["exc_ext"] = input_nw[:,0,:]
model.params["inh_ext"] = input_nw[:,1,:]
# Define the result of the stimulation as target
target = np.concatenate( (np.concatenate( (model.params["exc_init"], model.params["inh_init"]), axis=1)[:,:, np.newaxis], np.stack( (model.exc, model.inh), axis=1)), axis=2)
# Remove stimuli and re-run the simulation
model.params['sigma_ou'] = 0.03
model.params['tau_ou'] = 1.
model.params["exc_ext"] = zero_input_nw[:,0,:]
model.params["inh_ext"] = zero_input_nw[:,0,:]
# combine initial value and simulation result to one array
state = np.concatenate( (np.concatenate( (model.params["exc_init"], model.params["inh_init"]), axis=1)[:,:, np.newaxis], np.stack( (model.exc, model.inh), axis=1)), axis=2)
plot_oc_network(model.params.N, duration, dt, state, target, zero_input_nw, input_nw)
Let's optimize with the following parameters: M=20, iterations=100
# we define the precision matrix to specify, in which nodes and channels we measure deviations from the target
cost_mat = np.zeros( (model.params.N, len(model.output_vars)) )
cost_mat[1,0] = 1. # only measure in x-channel in node 1
# We set the external stimulation to zero. This is the "initial guess" for the OC algorithm
model.params["exc_ext"] = zero_input_nw[:,0,:]
model.params["inh_ext"] = zero_input_nw[:,0,:]
# We load the optimal control class
# print array (optinal parameter) defines, for which iterations intermediate results will be printed
# Parameters will be taken from the input model
model_controlled = oc_wc.OcWc(model,
# We run 100 iterations of the optimal control gradient descent algorithm
state = model_controlled.get_xs()
control = model_controlled.control
plot_oc_network(model.params.N, duration, dt, state, target, control, input_nw, model_controlled.cost_history, model_controlled.step_sizes_history)
Let's do the same thing with different parameters: M=100, iterations=30
# We set the external stimulation to zero. This is the "initial guess" for the OC algorithm
model.params["exc_ext"] = zero_input_nw[:,0,:]
model.params["inh_ext"] = zero_input_nw[:,0,:]
# We load the optimal control class
# print array (optinal parameter) defines, for which iterations intermediate results will be printed
# Parameters will be taken from the input model
model_controlled = oc_wc.OcWc(model,
# We run 30 iterations of the optimal control gradient descent algorithm
state = model_controlled.get_xs()
control = model_controlled.control
plot_oc_network(model.params.N, duration, dt, state, target, control, input_nw, model_controlled.cost_history, model_controlled.step_sizes_history)