Parameter exploration with custom run function and postprocessing
This notebook demonstrates how to scan the parameter space of a brain network model using neurolib
with a custom evaluation function to quickly find regions of interest. The evaluation function is designed to increase the speed for the exploration by focussing on regions where the simulated dynamics meets certain criteria. For this, the simulation is run in multiple, successive steps, that increase in duration.
Iterative evaluation
The evaluation of a simulation takes multiple steps:
- Step 1 runs for a few seconds and checks if there is any rate activity at all
- Step 2 runs a bit longer and checks if there is any BOLD activity
- Step 3 runs the full simulation
In this scenario, we want to postprocess the simulated data as soon as the simulation is done and before writing the results to the hard disk. After the full simulation is run, the funciotnal connectivity (FC) of the BOLD signal is computed and compared to the empirical FC dataset. The Pearson correlation of the FC matrices is computed and the average is taken. We then tell pypet to save these postprocessed results along with the model output.
# change to the root directory of the project
import os
if os.getcwd().split("/")[-1] == "examples":
# This will reload all imports as soon as the code changes
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# a nice color map
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'plasma'
import numpy as np
from neurolib.models.aln import ALNModel
from neurolib.utils.parameterSpace import ParameterSpace
from neurolib.optimize.exploration import BoxSearch
import neurolib.utils.functions as func
from neurolib.utils.loadData import Dataset
ds = Dataset("hcp")
Set up model
model = ALNModel(Cmat = ds.Cmat, Dmat = ds.Dmat) # simulates the whole-brain model in 10s chunks by default if bold == True
# Resting state fits
model.params['mue_ext_mean'] = 1.57
model.params['mui_ext_mean'] = 1.6
#model.params['sigma_ou'] = 0.09
model.params['b'] = 5.0
model.params['dt'] = 0.2
model.params['duration'] = 0.2 * 1000 #ms
# testing: model.params['duration'] = 0.2 * 60 * 1000 #ms
# real: model.params['duration'] = 1.0 * 60 * 1000 #ms
Define evaluation function
def evaluateSimulation(traj):
# get the model from the trajectory using `search.getModelFromTraj(traj)`
model = search.getModelFromTraj(traj)
# initiate the model with random initial contitions
defaultDuration = model.params['duration']
invalid_result = {"fc" : np.nan, "fcd" : np.nan}
# -------- STAGEWISE EVALUATION --------
stagewise = True
if stagewise:
# -------- stage wise simulation --------
# Stage 1 : simulate for a few seconds to see if there is any activity
# ---------------------------------------
model.params['duration'] = 3*1000.
# check if stage 1 was successful
amplitude = np.max(model.output[:, model.t > 500]) - np.min(model.output[:, model.t > 500])
if amplitude < 0.05:
search.saveToPypet(invalid_result, traj)
return invalid_result, {}
# Stage 2: simulate BOLD for a few seconds to see if it moves
# ---------------------------------------
model.params['duration'] = 30*1000., bold = True)
if np.max(np.std(model.outputs.BOLD.BOLD[:, 10:15], axis=1)) < 1e-5:
search.saveToPypet(invalid_result, traj)
return invalid_result, {}
# Stage 3: full and final simulation
# ---------------------------------------
model.params['duration'] = defaultDuration, bold = True)
# -------- POSTPROCESSING --------
# FC matrix correlation to all subject rs-fMRI
fc_score = np.mean([func.matrix_correlation(func.fc(model.BOLD.BOLD[:, model.BOLD.t_BOLD > BOLD_TRANSIENT]), fc) for fc in ds.FCs])
# FCD to all subject rs-fMRI
fcd_score = np.mean([func.ts_kolmogorov(model.BOLD.BOLD[:, model.BOLD.t_BOLD > BOLD_TRANSIENT], ds.BOLDs[i]) for i in range(len(ds.BOLDs))])
fcd_score = np.nan
# let's build the results dictionary
result_dict = {"fc" : fc_score, "fcd" : fcd_score}
# we could also save the output of the model by adding to the results_dict like this:
# result_dict = {"fc" : fc_score, "fcd" : fcd_score, "outputs" : model.outputs}
# Save the results to pypet.
# Remember: This has to be dictionary!
search.saveToPypet(result_dict, traj)
Set up parameter exploration
parameters = ParameterSpace({"mue_ext_mean": np.linspace(0, 3.0, 2), "mui_ext_mean": np.linspace(0.2, 3.0, 2)})
# info: chose np.linspace(0, 3, 21) or more, values here are low for testing
search = BoxSearch(evalFunction = evaluateSimulation, model=model, parameterSpace=parameters, filename="example-1.2.1.hdf")
Load data
print("Number of results: {}".format(len(search.results)))
for i in search.dfResults.index:
search.dfResults.loc[i, 'bold_cc'] = np.mean(search.results[i]['fc'])
plt.imshow(search.dfResults.pivot_table(values='bold_cc', index = 'mui_ext_mean', columns='mue_ext_mean'), \
extent = [min(search.dfResults.mue_ext_mean), max(search.dfResults.mue_ext_mean),
min(search.dfResults.mui_ext_mean), max(search.dfResults.mui_ext_mean)], origin='lower')
plt.colorbar(label='Mean correlation to empirical rs-FC')
plt.xlabel("Input to E")
plt.ylabel("Input to I")